Imagine living without a light bulb. Impossible right? That’s exactly what a career without coding is going to be like, a few years down the line. The thriving of the computer industry has already established the dependence we have on the latter. However, with the advent of artificial intelligence, digitization and automation, coding is not just limited to the computer industry.
Is Coding Inevitable For High Schoolers In India?
Coding develops several skills in students. These include critical thinking skills and training your brain to use logic to reach the solution when faced with a problem. Thus, while coding is bound to benefit most people in their careers, it is especially imperative that high school students in India start learning it. Here are some reasons why coding is important for them:
Their International Counterparts Are Already Ahead
The idea of “one world” is closer to reality than it ever was and globalization is at its peak. With geographic boundaries no longer being barriers, employers are looking for only the best talent from across the world.
So, basic coding is no longer something that would set people apart from the rest of the crowd. It is something that would still keep them in the race. That said, advanced coding skills are still a game-changer which reiterates the value of starting to code at the right time. Investing in coding at the high-school level would give them a strong foundation to build on.
They Are In The Sweet Spot When It Comes To Time
High school students are at just the right stage of their academic lives. They have learnt basic thinking skills. However, unlike senior secondary students, they do not have to be completely focusing on one particular stream. Thus, they have both – the time and the capability for learning new skills.
The New Education Policy
The new education policy comes with several changes in education in order to ensure that Indian students get the right exposure. While it has introduced many welcome steps, as with any new policy, a group of people are sometimes left at a disadvantage.
The new education policy has made coding compulsory for middle school students. However, this means that high schoolers would be outdated, as of the current situation. This could be a major handicap for these students in the future
What Is The Best Way For High School Students To Learn Coding?
While High school students definitely have the time to learn to code, their academic curriculum is just as important! Therefore, it is essential to give them a smooth training where they yield maximum benefits from the effort they put in. And this is exactly where DigitCodemy steps in.
How Is DigitCodemy One-Of-A-Kind?
At DigitCodemy, we understand the importance of a tailor-made program. That is why we offer exclusive training programs for high-school students which ensures:
- No deviation from their academic track. In fact, we built a training program that supplements their academics by making sure that they work on projects that are relevant to their school.
- An immersive program that gives them hands-on learning. This would make every concept they learn an experience as opposed to a lesson. Hence, these would become a part of the way they think.
- Development of algorithmic thinking. Algorithms form the basis of any programming language. By developing these thinking skills, the student can learn any language he or she wants to in the future.
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Key Takeaway
Learning to code is vital in this digital world. In the present scenario, it is especially true for high school students. However, it is also essential to not be overwhelmed by it and tailor it in ways that would benefit the student the most. If you would like us to make a program just for your needs, contact us right away.