High School

Introduce your high school students to basics of programming, artificial intelligence, machine learning, and mobile app development

Coding develops several skills in students. These include critical thinking skills and training your brain to use logic to reach the solution when faced with a problem. Thus, while coding is bound to benefit most people in their careers, it is especially imperative that high school students in India start learning it.

How our High School coding program works

Students will create new patterns and games through interactive and fun-way methodologies thereby boosting computational thinking, creative and problem-solving skills.

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Coding for High School

Student will create new patterns and games through interactive and fun-way methodologies thereby boosting computational thinking, creative and problem-solving skills

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Mobile App Development - III

This course focuses on advanced real-time app development for students of Grades 9-12.

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Artificial Intelligence &
Machine Learning

A project-centric course where children will explore the applications of Artificial Intelligence , train and build Machine learning models and interactive chat-bots.

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Website Development

Students learn advanced concepts of web designing and create an interactive subject based website

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Python Programming

Python is a powerful general-purpose programming language. For beginners, Python has simple easy-to-use syntax. This makes Python an excellent programming language for beginners.

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Arduino Simulation Project

Learn arduino simulation projects with easy to follow lessons

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Micro-Bit Projects

A project centric course focussing on:


Experiential learning is the crux of our teaching methodology. It is a blend of technology and experiences of the child. A fun and innovative method of learning.
